Genres: Artificial Intelligence, Robot, Technology
Escape Pod 802: Sentient Being Blues
Sentient Being Blues
by Christopher Rose
I got a pickaxe for a left hand,
I got a churn drill for a brain,
I got a pickaxe for a left hand,
I got a churn drill for a brain,
I got miles of tunnel behind me,
just to stand out in the rain.
[guitar solo 36 bars]
[2x chorus]
[long outro – guitar vamp harmonica over]
“ASIMOV WAS A BIGOT.” The graffiti, sprayed across the bucket of a soviet ore hopper car, one of a long train of them. Then a slash of Cyrillic, the same message probably, obscured by a crust of snow and mud and grit. Not clear from the lettering if it was a human hand that wrote it.
An icy wind picked up my tie and flapped it until I smoothed it back down under my parka. I shivered.
“I own your steps, Thom,” Freddie had said. “Every step from here to Siberia and back. Don’t come back empty-handed. Go get it, boy.”
Barking mad endeavor. Yet here I was.
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