Genres: Flash, Space, Time Travel, War
Escape Pod 853: 2022 Flash Fiction Contest Winners
by Andrew Hiller
“Time traveler, eh?”
I shuffled my feet and smirked. The AI that stopped me was short, wore a unitard, mask, goggles, and a badge. I tried to edge away, but it blocked my escape and motioned for me to surrender my booty.
“What gave me away?” I asked.
“You said laser pistol instead of zapper.”
I sniffed and dropped a backpack full of looted tech. It thudded instead of clanged.
“Zappers, huh?”
“Well,” AI Cop laughed before returning to me my emptied property, “the last time I heard someone say laser pistol was in a historical.” I tugged my backpack tight, exposed my traveler, and his expression turned serious, “Should arrest you, but paradox y’know.”
“Yeah, that’s why I only travel into the future. Can’t cause a paradox to a thing hasn’t happened yet.”
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