Escape Pod is the premier science fiction podcast magazine, founded in 2005 by Serah Eley, and presently co-edited by Mur Lafferty and Valerie Valdes.
Every week we bring you short stories from some of today’s best science fiction, in convenient audio and text formats. Subscribe on your phone or your computer!
We pay our authors and narrators, but we will always be 100% free for you. We are supported through listener donations and sponsorship, so if you like what you hear, please consider sponsoring us via Patreon or Ko-Fi!
Escape Pod is produced and distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
You can find us on social media at Facebook and Twitter. Patreon subscribers can also join our Discord to chat with fellow listeners and staff members.
Visit our Wikia for a sortable list of episodes and more information about Escape Pod.
General comments or questions can be sent to Queries about narrator auditions should be sent to
Escape Pod is a production of the Escape Artists Foundation. Be sure to check out our other podcasts: Pseudopod for the best in horror fiction, PodCastle for the best in fantasy, Cast of Wonders for the best in YA fiction, and CatsCast for the best in feline fiction.