Genres: Space
Escape Pod 784: Annotated Setlist of the Mikaela Cole Jazz Quintet
Annotated Setlist of the Mikaela Cole Jazz Quintet
by Catherine George
Tight Squeeze
That solo! Art blowing so hard and so hot, jumping out like a solar flare. Art, the only one of us with a real instrument, a beat-up old brass thing with the spit of two hundred years of play in it—and, well, sometimes we thought you could hear the difference. Oh, people said the three-d printers could make horns that sounded just as good, blew just as pure, and Mikaela said it was worth it to have anti-grav, so she could tow the piano behind her wheelchair—but still, there was something about knowing the horn had been on Earth, that there might be red clay or Terran bacteria gummed up under the keys. Every note heavy with the weight of time.
We never asked Art where he’d gotten a real Earth tenor sax, but there must have been a doozy of a story there.
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