Lezli Robyn

Lezli Robyn loves writing sf, fantasy, horror, humour and even dabbles in steampunk every now and then. She has made over 25 story sales to professional markets around the world, including Asimov’s, Analog and Clarkesworld, and her first short story collection, BITTERSUITE, will be published by TICONDEROGA PRESS in September 2013. She was a finalist for the 2009 Australian AUREALIS AWARD for Best SF Story, the 2010 Spanish IGNOTUS AWARD for Best Foreign Short Story, and was a 2010 CAMPBELL AWARD NOMINEE for best new writer. In 2011 she won the Catalan Best Foreign Translation ICTINEUS AWARD for “Soulmates”, a novelette written with Mike Resnick, which was first published in Asimov’s. Lezli and Mike will be collaborating again soon on an as yet untitled Stellar Guild book together, to be published in 2014.