Paul M. Berger

Paul M. Berger is a writer of fantasy and science fiction. His stories have appeared or are forthcoming in magazines and anthologies including Fantasy Magazine, Strange Horizons, Interzone, Polyphony 6, Twenty Epics, All-Star Zeppelin Adventure Stories, Ideomancer and Escape Pod. The story of his battle against giant Japanese spiders was the first true-life memoir published in Weird Tales.
Paul has been a Japanese bureaucrat, a Harvard graduate student, an M.I.T. program administrator, an Internet entrepreneur, a butterfly wrangler and a Wall Street recruiter, which, in the aggregate, may have prepared him for nothing except the creation of speculative fiction.
He is a founding member of the well-regarded and increasingly impressive writing group Altered Fluid, and was an Associate Editor of the magazine Sybil’s Garage. He is also a 2008 alumnus of the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ Workshop, where he studied under Kelly Link, James Patrick Kelly, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Neil Gaiman, Nalo Hopkinson and Geoff Ryman.
Paul lives in New York City. He has no cats that he is aware of.