Escape Pod 254: A Talent For Vanessa
Show Notes
Show Notes:
- Feedback for Episode 246, The Bride of Frankenstein
Next week… Teaching is quite tough, admittedly.
A Talent For Vanessa
By David W. Goldman
The young woman, a Ms. Vanessa Kortright-Kingston, untwisted. “No, I mean that he just knows the date like that! As if he could look into the future.”
Marv snorted. “Calendar calculating. They all do that. Not worth a paper dollar, not even in a carnival sideshow.”
“I’ve heard of it, but — ” Her blue eyes were wide as a con man’s smile. “They can all do it?”
“Sure.” Marv tilted back, his big wooden chair squeaking. “All the Counters, anyway. It’s like the Artists — they all draw horses. Or dogs. Which is funny, because back when they got their talents you’d never see a horse here in the city. Dogs, okay, no big deal. But you ask any Artist to sketch you a horse, and blam — if the damn thing galloped off the paper you wouldn’t be surprised.”
Her gaze went a bit distant. “That’s what I’d like,” she said. “To become an artist. Or a musician.”