Escape Pod 254: A Talent For Vanessa
Show Notes
Show Notes:
- Feedback for Episode 246, The Bride of Frankenstein
Next week… Teaching is quite tough, admittedly.
A Talent For Vanessa
By David W. Goldman
The young woman, a Ms. Vanessa Kortright-Kingston, untwisted. “No, I mean that he just knows the date like that! As if he could look into the future.”
Marv snorted. “Calendar calculating. They all do that. Not worth a paper dollar, not even in a carnival sideshow.”
“I’ve heard of it, but — ” Her blue eyes were wide as a con man’s smile. “They can all do it?”
“Sure.” Marv tilted back, his big wooden chair squeaking. “All the Counters, anyway. It’s like the Artists — they all draw horses. Or dogs. Which is funny, because back when they got their talents you’d never see a horse here in the city. Dogs, okay, no big deal. But you ask any Artist to sketch you a horse, and blam — if the damn thing galloped off the paper you wouldn’t be surprised.”
Her gaze went a bit distant. “That’s what I’d like,” she said. “To become an artist. Or a musician.”
About the Author
David W. Goldman

David W. Goldman finished paying off his loans from a well-known Boston trade school by moving to the Pacific Northwest, abandoning his trade, and becoming a software company. Eventually he wised up and found himself a day job. Now living in Portland, Oregon with his multi-talented wife and the obligate pair of feline distractions, he finally has time to pursue his childhood dream of writing the Great American SF Novelette. (Yes, there’s more to David’s life than part-time writing. Perhaps someday he’ll mention some of the rest.)
About the Narrator
Dave Thompson

Dave Thompson aka the Easter Werewolf aka the California King is still uncomfortable with the notion of pumpkin beer, but don’t hold that against him. He lives outside Los Angeles with his wife and three children. Together with co-editor Anna Schwind, he ran PodCastle for five years, stepping down to focus on his own writing in 2015. You can find two of his audiobook narrations on Amazon: Norse Code by Greg Van Eekhout and Briarpatch by Tim Pratt. Dave is an Escape Artists’ Worldwalker and Storyteller, having been published in, and narrated for, all four EA podcasts.