Escape Pod 162: God Juice
Show Notes
Rated R. Contains strong language and sexual tomfoolery.
God Juice
By M. K. Hobson
“I wish to give you the opportunity to purchase a very valuable artifact from the great age of Ja’ardi civilization,” he said. “We stole it from a rival tribe, who revered it as possessing divine powers. I am prepared to offer it to you at a very reasonable price.”
I rolled my eyes. If I had a nickel for every time someone tried to sell me an artifact with divine powers … Zhee must have seen the eyeroll, for he hastened to add:
“It is reputed to bestow upon its owner the ability to create flowing rivers of God Juice.”
I tilted my head slightly to see if some sense might roll downhill from his words. “Correct me if I’m wrong,” I said, sucking on the wedge of flesh-colored fruit, “But isn’t God Juice the stuff that caused your civilization to collapse?”
Zhee shifted, scratching the back of his head. “Well … yes.”