Escape Pod 155: Tideline
Show Notes
2008 Hugo Nominee!
Rated PG. Contains implied violence and themes of death.
Referenced Sites:
2008 Hugo Awards
WisCon May 23-26, Madison, WI
Closing Music: “The Fall” by Red Hunter.
By Elizabeth Bear
They would have called her salvage, if there were anyone left to salvage her. But she was the last of the war machines, a three-legged oblate teardrop as big as a main battle tank, two big grabs and one fine manipulator folded like a spider’s palps beneath the turreted head that finished her pointed end, her polyceramic armor spiderwebbed like shatterproof glass. Unhelmed by her remote masters, she limped along the beach, dragging one fused limb. She was nearly derelict.
The beach was where she met Belvedere.
About the Author
Elizabeth Bear

Elizabeth Bear is a full-time science fiction and fantasy writer and a part-time futurist.
About the Narrator
Serah Eley

Serah Eley is a chaos spirit who first appeared in 2013, from the right cerebral hemisphere of a former podcaster named Steve Eley. Best known as the founding editor and host of Escape Pod, with the famous signoff “Have Fun,” Steve realized he was having more fun as Serah and gave her the body for transition and general mayhem. Now much prettier than Steve and at least seventy percent weirder, Serah lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her spouse Sadi and collects stories too fantastic to be fiction. If you ask nicely she may even tell some of them. Very nicely.