D. K. Latta

D. K. Latta has been writing fiction and non-fiction off and on for decades, his writings appearing in magazines, webzines, Huffington Post Canada, and his own websites. His fiction is mostly in science fiction and fantasy (and with a predilection for pulp genres and superheroes) and his non-fiction has mostly (though not exclusively) been focused on Canadian film & television (where, as a Canadian, he is intrigued by issues surrounding cultural identity and representation) with a side helping of opining on comic books and science fiction.
Some of his published fiction can be found on-line at:
Strange Horizons, Daily Science Fiction, New Myths, Escape Pod, Perihelion, Crimson Streets, and others. And in the anthologies Masked Mosaic: Canadian Super Stories, Tesseracts Nineteen: Superhero Universe, Lords of Swords, and others.
Some non-fiction, non-Canadian writings include book, graphic novel, and audio drama reviews and essays still on-line at Strange Horizons, Black Gate, Dark Worlds Quarterly and elsewhere.