Genres: Robot
Escape Pod 31: Robots and Falling Hearts
Show Notes
Rated PG. Contains slight profanity, long flirtations, and excessive Zen. Watch for falling metaphors.
Referenced sites:
Child’s Play
Hooting Yard
Robots and Falling Hearts
By Tim Pratt and Greg van Eekhout
I paused to tie a loose shoelace and a squat robot, like a dirty white trashcan on tank-treads, trundled out of an alley toward me. A red light on top of its domelike top blinked erratically. It said, in a high-pitched voice, “Klaatu barada nikto.” A small panel slid open in its front, and a pole with a cup on the end telescoped out. There were a few coins in the cup, mostly pennies and nickels, and the robot jingled the cup significantly.
“Take me to your leader,” I said, wishing it could be that simple, knowing that these things are never that simple. The robot beeped at me and jingled its cup harder, the coins rattling.
“It won’t go away unless you give it some change,” said a woman standing on the corner. “It followed me all the way to work one day, and hung around outside the door like a dog for hours.”