Escape Pod Flash: Tired
Show Notes
Rated PG for a worryingly low miles per gallon
By Michael Bishop
One morning, Gordon Pointer received an e-message from the left-front Goodstone tire on his old Callisto sedan. (He had bought the car used over a decade ago and retrofitted it for the intelligent interstates of the Piedmont metrosprawl.) Gordon abhorred palmflips, infraspecs, logomaniacs, microserfs, lapcops, and digital Kleenex, but he lived at the computerminal in his Callisto, journeying between office foci to talk with other human fossils like himself. He did not quail before occasional sitreps from his lead tire.
About the Author
Michael Bishop

Michael Lawson Bishop is an American writer. Over four decades and in more than thirty books, he has created what has been called a “body of work that stands among the most admired and influential in modern science fiction and fantasy literature.”
About the Narrator
John Meagher

John is the writer/narrator of Tales of the Left Hand, an ongoing fantasy series offering “swashbuckling, intrigue, and a dash of magic.” Links to audio, print and ebook formats of his books are available at In his secret identity, he’s a graphic designer living in Northern Virginia with his wife, daughter and two cats.