Mandaly Louis-Charles

Mandaly Louis-Charles, the Haitian Creole blogger was born in Port-au-Prince and raised at Arcahaie, Haiti. While her mother and father moved to the United States in search of a better life for her and her siblings, she and her siblings were raised by her aunt and several caretakers who came from many different parts of the beautiful Caribbean island nicknamed the Pearl of the Antilles. Even at a very young age Ms. Louis-Charles appreciated the diversity of her caretakers whose nightly routine was to tell bedtime stories. These bedtime tales she heard were stories filled with courage, bravery and unrelenting resilience. She grew up surrounded by courageous and spirited people like the ones in the tales.
A few years later when she settled with her family in Florida, in the United States, she continued to uphold her beloved tradition of recounting tales to her own children. She feels that it is important that her children understand the other half of their history. She teaches them that they are products of two cultures and teaches them how to embrace them both. She remains passionate about her heritage and her home country and cherish the welcoming spirit of the United States, the country that received her with open arms and gave her a second home.
She works to ensure that her culture, traditions, and primary language will always be remembered by creating the Haitian Creole blog, a blog about the national language of Haiti. She has worked with MIT linguist Michel Degraff on the very first video of the Haitian Creole alphabet to make it fun for Haitian school children to learn their language which was once not allowed on school grounds or in the curriculum.
When she is not working as a hospice nurse, she is translating documents in Creole, and in her spare time she bikes on the Pinellas Trail in Tarpon Springs area where she lives with her three children.