Gregory Frost

Gregory Frost is the author of highly-regarded novels that include the Shadowbridge series (Shadowbridge and Lord Tophet, from Del Rey), Fitcher’s Brides (Tor), the “PK Dickian” sf novel, The Pure Cold Light, as well as two novels derived from the Celtic epic, the táin bó cuailnge, Táin and Remscela, returning to print in ebook format from Book View Cafe in Winter 2015.
His short fiction has appeared most recently in Asimov’s Science Fiction (April/May 2015); in Out of Tune edited by Jonathan Maberry; in the anthology Dark Duets (HarperCollins), and in Jet-Pack Adventures, an anthology honoring the work of the late Dave Stevens (IDW).
He’s director of the fiction writing workshop at Swarthmore College.