Escape Pod Flash: Beachcomber
Show Notes
Rated PG. Contains hopes that will never be fulfilled.
By Mike Resnick
Arlo didn’t look much like a man. (Not all robots do, you know.) The problem was that he didn’t act all that much like a robot.
About the Author
Mike Resnick

Mike Resnick is an American science fiction writer and was executive editor of Jim Baen’s Universe. Resnick’s style is known for the inclusion of humor; he has probably sold more humorous stories than any science fiction author except Robert Sheckley, and even his most grim and serious stories have frequent unexpected bursts of humor in them. Resnick enjoys collaborating, especially on short stories.
About the Narrator
Elie Hirschman

Elie Hirschman always wanted to be a voice actor, growing up watching He-man, ThunderCats and Voltron. After recording several e-Learning, scientific and marketing projects, Elie discovered the world of audio podcasts, working with such groups as Darker Projects and Dream Realm Productions. Together with fellow actor David Ault, he started Cool Fool Productions, where they dramatize bad audio scripts with questionable results. He’s currently still active in all EA podcasts (except CatsCast) and also appears semi-regularly on the Nosleep Podcast. He doodles constantly but never saves the drawings, and likes to paint with his kids, although the amount of paint they are willing to waste drives him batty.