EA Metacast: New Websites
Show Notes
Hi there! A short metacast to tell you all about our new websites. Transcript follows for those who who prefer to read along.
(Alasdair) Hi there! This is Alasdair!
(Marguerite) And this is Marguerite!
(Alasdair) And we’re looking a good deal shinier. The EA family of podcasts has all new websites, thanks to Jeremy Tolbert of Clockpunk Studios and Scott Pond for the incredible new logo designs! And to Marguerite for riding herd on the project for most of this year.
(Marguerite) Why thank you! So you may be asking yourself, why? I mean, we’re podcasts, right? Most of the time you listen to our shows, not read them. Well, we’re glad you asked.
(Alasdair) First off, we were a decade-old company with decade-old websites. It’s true – aside from maintenance from our heroic two-fisted IT Barbarian, Graeme Dunlop, EA’s never had a major upgrade. That won’t cut it for a digital publisher, especially one with 1900 episodes under its belt. It was a major undertaking, and past due.
(Marguerite) Plus now we’re in a great position to make that vast back catalog a whole lot easier for you to get at. But we ran into a chicken and egg problem – all the solutions we had in mind needed new interfaces and graphics. You probably saw that when our old logos got upgrades so we could be a launch offering at Google Play. But to make the leap to ‘Tubes and ‘Camps and ‘Fys’, needed a ground-up refresh.
(Alasdair) So, big thanks to Jeremy and Scott, and Marguerite
(Marguerite) (thank you!)
(Alasdair) and Graeme and the tireless work of the editorial teams and admin staff who kept this project upright and moving.
(Marguerite) And most of all, from all of us, thank YOU. Thank you do our donors and listeners, new and veteran, on PayPal, Patreon, Dwolla and more. Thanks to everyone who says hello at a convention, votes for us in awards and reviews the great stories we publish. Thank you to our authors, narrators, guest hosts and artists.
(Alasdair) And stick around for more.
(Marguerite) More tales to tell.
(Alasdair) One story told well. that’s what we do. And we promise you, it’s true.