Escape Pod 178: Unlikely
Show Notes
Rated PG. Contains profanity. Including in the closing song.
Special closing music: “Mandelbrot Set” by Jonathan Coulton.
by Will McIntosh
“The mayor seems to believe there’s something to this,” Tuesday said.
“He’s desperate. Clutching at straws.”
“So why did you agree to meet?” Tuesday asked, her Keds back on the black and white tile floor.
Samuel paused while the waitress plunked down two glasses, followed by big metal milk shake tumblers. His strawberry milkshake looked as thick as cement. Damn, did he love this place.
“Professor Berry said there was an easy way to prove him wrong: meet with you on and off for a week. If the city’s accident rate didn’t go down when we were together, and back up when we were apart, he’d return his consulting fee to the city.” The shake made a satisfying plopping
sound as he poured it into the glass. “His ideas are wacked. ‘Data mining for non-intuitive connections?’ You can smell the bullshit from three pastures away.”