The Soundproof Escape Pod #2
We at Escape Pod have been thrilled and gratified at the response for the first Soundproof Escape Pod. We got kudos for everything from the fact that it existed, to the awesome layout job by our own Bill Peters.
Speaking of Bill, this month I want to announce our staff changes. Escape Pod is hitting its stride now, thanks mostly to our new assistant editor. We promoted Bill Peters from the inside joke of Assistant to the Regional Manager, or the Right A.R.M., to Assistant Editor. He wrangles the slush and makes sure I am on top of things, and I don’t know where I’d be without him. We’re also delighted to welcome Mat Weller on as our audio producer. If you listen to Escape Pod, you’ll notice that Norm Sherman of the Drabblecast (a fine, award-winning podcast you should totally listen to) is still a part-time host, who, incidentally, makes me work harder on my intros.
Speaking of slush, in order to get a hold of the reins of this mighty team of slush ponies, we’re closing to submissions over December. We’ll be back on the job in January, once the hangovers fade.
- Escape Pod 265: We are Ted Tuscadero for President, By Chris Dahlen
- Review: Shades of Milk and Honey by Marie Robinette Kowal, Review by Sarah Frost
- Escape Pod 266: Kachikachi Yama, By Michael R. Underwood
- Dark Fiction Magazine Q&A, By Adam Christopher
- Escape Pod 267: Planetfall by Michael C. Lea
- Review: A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Review by Josh Roseman
- Escape Pod 268: Advection by Genevieve Valentine
- Review: Zero History by William Gibson, Review by Sarah Frost
The ePub version can be downloaded here.
Edit: The ePub version we previously put out was apparently broken for several types of ePub reading software. It has been hopefully repaired and replaced.