The Soundproof Escape Pod #7
ePub version here.
Hello All—
We have listeners all over, and some of them will be heading into the winter months, but where I am spring has finally shook off the claws of winter.
But in the slice of science fiction fandom we all inhabit, spring is really notable for the return of Doctor Who to the airwaves, and thankfully for US fans, it is far closer to simultaneous transmission now that it has been the last few seasons. Physical distance matters less and less for communication, which in practice means that it is incredibly annoying to be in the US and looking at a twitter stream full of UK tweets about what the Doctor’s been on about that week. Spoilers suck (sweetie).
And speaking of the UK, we were very lucky and happy to run an interview with Lauren Beukes, who won this year’s Arthur C. Clarke award for her novel Zoo City. It’s available in an audio episode on our website, along with a (still audio) excerpt from the book.
This month we were happy to bring you six stories, three of them flash. We ran three of the four honorable mentions from our flash contest fiction, which we should have done well before this. The forth and the three outright winners of the contest should be following in fairly close order.
We also brought you Abby Goldsmith’s A Taste Of Time, LaShawn Wanak’s Future Perfect, and Larry Hodges’ Tom the Universe. If you didn’t already listen to the on the ‘cast, I implore you to flick, scroll, click, or otherwise navigate several pages further in this to read them.
Until next month,
Bill Peters
Assistant Editor
Editor’s Note —3—
EP287: A Taste of Time By Abby Goldsmith —4—
Speculative Fiction And Engagement Marketing By Josh Roseman —13—
EP288: Future Perfect By LaShawn M. Wanak —15—
Book Review:God’s War By Sarah Frost —22—
EP290: Tom The Universe By Larry Hodges —24—