Escape Pod 191: This Is How It Feels
This Is How It Feels
By Ian Creasey
Nathan’s eyes stung as he remembered how Jenny used to do just that: the same jump down the stairs, the same windmilling of her arms as she landed…. The grief swept over him like a palpable wave, making him stagger backward.
“Dad?” Christopher kicked his backpack down the hall to the door. “You all right?”
“It’s nothing,” said Nathan. He rubbed the implant-port behind his right ear. It’s nothing. It’s not real.
But it felt real.
About the Author
Ian Creasey

Ian Creasey lives in Yorkshire, England. He began writing when rock & roll stardom failed to return his calls. So far he has sold seventy-odd short stories to various magazines and anthologies. His debut collection, Maps of the Edge, was published in 2011; a second collection, Escape Routes from Earth, came out in 2015. His interests include hiking and gardening — anything to get him outdoors and away from the computer screen.
About the Narrator

FNH, also known as
game designer and the host of two podcasts: Behind the Claw a Classic Traveller show, and Cthulhu… a lovecraftian horror and and adventure show.