EP at Dragon*Con 2007
Just a quick note for those of you attending Dragon*Con 2007 — here are the places you’ll be able to find Steve during the weekend:
- Steve will be producing the Daily Dragon Podcast every day of the con. Listen in for convention news, interviews, and music!
- The panel Fancasting, 2:30 PM Friday in the Jackson/Carter room in the Hilton.
- The 2nd Annual Parsec Awards, 7 PM Saturday in the Hyatt Regency V ballroom. Escape Pod and Pseudopod are both nominated for excellence in short fiction.
- The Escape Pod Listener Meet-Up, 1 PM Sunday at the Gordon Biersch Brewpub at 848 Peachtree Street. Everyone is welcome!
- The panel Podcasting Into the Future, 10 AM Monday in the Jackson/Carter room in the Hilton.
And of course you might just see me around the convention any other time. If you’re there, I hope to see you — and I hope you have a great time!