Escape Pod 95: Blink. Don’t Blink.
Show Notes
Rated PG. Contains violent crime and unusual punishment.
Referenced Sites:
Stranger Things
Blink. Don’t Blink.
by Ramona Louise Wheeler
“Blink. Don’t blink. Don’t blink. Blink.” The human voice was familiar this time, expected. New orders did not come from computer voices. “This one will have to happen in a hurry, while we’re airlifting you to the crash site. It will be rougher than the first.”
It was. William listened to the hard drone of the aircraft engines in flight. He let that sound become the direction he followed while the pain made him into another shape so swiftly that even he did not know what he was becoming. His nanites had been commanded to emergency pitch. William was certain he could feel them racing through his cells.
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