Free Hugo Nominated Works
Limited to Hugo voters (members of LACon IV, this year’s WorldCon), free electronic copies of John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War, Robert Charles Wilson’s Spin and Charlie Stross’s Accelerando are available! More information on how to get your copies are on Scalzi’s blog. (Stross’s Accelerando is also available to non-voters through his site.)
And for those of you (us) who are unable to make it to WorldCon, instead of gnashing your teeth and beating your breast, why not snuggle down with the free e-book of James Patrick Kelly’s nominated work, Burn? If you missed the podcast (shame on you, it was fantastic) then you can still get it for free through e-book (you can still download all the chapters through podcast, if you want to hear Jim’s voice telling the story in his compelling way.) All information on his site.
And then, of course, you have at least four of the five nominated short stories available here on Escape Pod starting this week!