Return from Balticon 40 and news
Apologies for the silence; many of us spent the weekend at Balticon 40 talking about podcasting, editing, scotch, and “Hey, I saw Neil Gaiman in the hallway!”
Latest news:
Tour Asia in 2007! China is hosting an International SF/Fantasy Conference in Chengdu, August 24-27, 2007. This coincides nicely with WorldCon in Nippon, scheduled for August 30-September 3. There are even direct flights from Chengdu to Tokyo. No site link, but the full press release is at the Emerald City Weblog.
If you didn’t get to see Serenity as many times as you’d hoped in the theater, many cities are screening it again on Joss Whedon’s birthday (June 23 for all of you non-obsessed fans). Learn more here.