The Season
It’s a new year! Celebrations and congratulations all around, as we have successfully survived, both as a species and as individuals (presuming you are reading this text from a computer and not, like, Valhalla). That means, however, a new awards season is coming. If you want to support Escape Pod, then please, feel free to nominate us for awards such as the Hugos, the Nebulas, or the Parsecs. Escape Pod publishes both text and audio, so that gives some flexibility in how you nominate us. For example, with the Hugos we are eligible for Best Fancast and Best Semi-Pro-Zine.
We’d also love to see some of the authors we publish see their own work highlighted. The stories are, after all, the whole point of the exercise. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of the award-eligible fiction we ran in 2014.
The following short stories were originally published in EscapePod in 2014:
“That Other Sea,” by William Ledbetter
“Kumara,” by Seth Dickinson
“An Understanding,” by Holly Heisey
“To Waste,” by Luke Pebler
“Rockwork,” by R. M. Graves
“The Sky is Blue, and Bright, and Full of Stars,” by Edward Ashton
“Checkmate,” by Brian Trent
“Trash,” by Marie Vibbert
“Inseparable,” by Liz Heldmann
“Shared Faces,” by Anaea Lay
“The Mercy of Theseus,” by Rachael K. Jones
“Soft Currency,” by Seth Gordon
“The Golden Glass” by Gary Kloster
The following stories were originally published somewhere else in 2014, but reprinted in Escape Pod that same year. (If you want to nominate any of these, please do so naming the original venue, even if you heard them first with us.):
“The Transdimensional Horsemaster Rabbis of Mpumalanga Province,” by Sarah Pinsker, originally published in Asimov’s
“A Struggle Between Rivals Ends Surprisingly,” by Oliver Buckram, originally published in F&SF
“Repo,” by Aaron Gallagher, originally published in Analog
“Enjoy the Moment,” by Jack McDevitt, originally published in the anthology “The End is Nigh”
“This is as I Wish to Be Restored” by Christie Yant, originally published in Analog
Hat tip to datameister David Steffen of Diabolical Plots for volunteering to help put this list together!