I should have mentioned this before, but time’s been sneaking up on me:
I’m going to be a guest at Dragon*Con this weekend in Atlanta, along with Mur, Michael & Evo, Derek, and many other fun folks in the podcasting world.
We’re all going to putting up a panel on podcasting in the Electronic Frontiers track, at the utterly insane time of 11:30 PM Friday. Yeah, I know that’s the time most people are hunting for bodypainted elves on the hotel party floors, but if you’re around we promise our panel will be almost as much fun. I’m also running a panel for the Science track at 10 PM Sunday called “Burn, Hollywood, Burn!” and will be generally flitting around the rest of the time looking to socialize.
One thing I’d like to do is have at least one lunch or bar meet-up with podcast listeners. I don’t have concrete plans yet, unfortunately, since I haven’t scouted out the lay of the land. But if you’re going to be at D*C and you’re so inclined, drop me a line with your contact info (preferably cellphone, and let me know if your phone can do SMS) and I’ll give you mine, and if there’s at least one of you we’ll figure it out. If there are several responses I’ll actually organize a real event and post it here, so keep checking this space if you get a chance.
Thanks very much. Next year we’ll be a lot more organized about con presence: I’m already making plans to hit Worldcon and Dragon*Con in consecutive weeks on both coasts. Meanwhile, I hope I’ll get a chance to see some of you this weekend!