Escape Pod 16: Seamstress
Show Notes
Rated PG. Contains sexual situations and, unrelated, the loss of innocence.
By Sarah Prineas
So, the Godmother. She takes ragged, smudged things and turns them into beautiful Princesses. Why, I don’t know. A hobby? A calling? An obsession? Is she righting the wrongs done to her when she was young?
When I first started here, I had a fantasy. That the Godmother would pluck me out of the row of humpbacked, squinting Seamstresses and make me, too, a beautiful Princess. With a gown sewn by…well, by the poor wenches too old or ugly to catch the Godmother’s eye.
About the Author
About the Narrator
Deborah Green

Deborah Green was a frequent narrator for Escape Pod in its early days, and was a fan favorite, according to the forum.