Escape Pod 51: Is You Is / Is You Ain’t?
Show Notes
Rated R. Contains profanity, sexual situations, and Hollywood actors. None of which are suitable for children.
Referenced sites:
Escape Pod Classic
Escape Archive
Is You Is / Is You Ain’t?
By Michael Canfield
I won’t kid you, the main reason I contracted to upload this biography is the money. I want a way out of my baby body–expensive surgery. Thank you for buying this link: even if you don’t like what I have to say, you’ve helped an old actor out.
I’m told the public will not buy a starbio uplink unless there is a tragedy involved–and a triumph.
About the Author
Michael Canfield

Michael Canfield has published horror, mystery, suspense, fantasy, science fiction, and just-plain-odd stuff in StrangeHorizons, Escape Pod, Daily Science Fiction, The Pedestal, and other places. His story “Super-Villains” was reprinted in the Fantasy: The Best of the Year series, edited by Rich Horton. Born in Las Vegas, he lives in Seattle and blogs occasionally at
About the Narrator
Evo Terra

Travis Unwin, known professionally as Evo Terra, is an American podcaster, author, radio broadcaster, and businessman based in Bangkok, Thailand. Terra is the author of Podcasting For Dummies, originator of The Beer Diet, a travel blogger, and an early pioneer in podcasting.