Escape Pod 219: Sleepy Joe
Sleepy Joe
By Marc Laidlaw
The plan must have come to Rog fully formed that first morning, as he stepped off the elevator into the lobby of Szilliken Sharpenwright and saw the old soldier newly stationed there in his omnichair between the potted silk ferns and the coffee tables.
“Oh. My. God. I am in love.”
Megan, her arms loaded with Rog-House props and paraphernalia she hadn’t had time to ditch yet, said, “You say that an awful lot for someone who styles himself completely asexual. Not to mention atheistic.”
About the Author
Marc Laidlaw

Marc Laidlaw is an American writer of science fiction and horror, and a former scriptwriter with Valve Corporation. He is perhaps most famous for writing Dad’s Nuke and The 37th Mandala, and for working on the popular Half-Life series by Valve.
About the Narrator
Ben Phillips

Ben Phillips is a programmer and musician living in New Orleans. He was a chief editor of Pseudopod from 2006-2010.