Escape Pod 143: Flaming Marshmallow and Other Deaths

Show Notes

Referenced Sites:
Metamor City Podcast

Flaming Marshmallow and Other Deaths

By Camille Alexa

I look at the calendar hanging on the wall above my bed. I reach up, lift it off its nail with one hand and snuggle back under the covers, taking the calendar with me and running a finger over all the red Xs marked over all the days leading up to this one. It’s a little cold out, and the last thing in the universe I want to do is catch an effing cold the week of my birthday, so I snuggle down into the warmth of my flannel sheets even more. I know there’s going to be parties this weekend, and I’m going to want to go.

This is what I’ve been waiting for all these months. All these years, I guess, though before my friends started getting theirs, it didn’t seem like such a big deal. We were all No-Knows then.

Tomorrow, I’m finally going to feel like I belong.

Tomorrow, I’m going to find out how I die.

About the Author

Camille Alexa

Under various mashups of her full name, Zandra Renwick’s genre-elastic short fiction has been translated into nine language, adapted to stage and audio, and optioned for TV. She currently splits her time between an urban swamp in Austin, Texas and Ottawa’s historical Timberhouse, a heritage residence in the heart of Canada’s capital city.  (*the W is silent*)

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About the Narrator

Dani Cutler

Dani Cutler has been involved in podcasting, audio production, and voicework since 2006. She is also the owner of a digital marketing and promotions business with focus on the music industry.

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