Escape Pod 461: Selkie Stories are for Losers
Show Notes
This story has been nominated for a Hugo Award.
Please, also remember our friend P.G. Holyfield and donate to his fund if at all possible.
Selkie Stories are for Losers
by Sofia Samatar
[EDITOR: We don’t have the rights to post the text of this story.]
About the Author
Sofia Samatar

Sofia Samatar is the author of the novel A Stranger in Olondria and winner of the John W. Campbell Award, the Crawford Award, the British Fantasy Award, and the World Fantasy Award.
She co-edits the journal Interfictions and lives in California. Her new novel The Winged Histories, the sequel to A Stranger in Olondria, is forthcoming from Small Beer Press in 2016.
About the Narrator
Amanda Ching

Amanda Ching is a freelance editor and writer. Her work has appeared in WordRiot, Candlemark & Gleam’s Alice: (re)Visions, and every bathroom stall on I-80 from Pittsburgh to Indianapolis.