Escape Pod 65: A Green Thumb
Show Notes
Rated PG. Contains profanity and adolescence. (Wait, that’s redundant.)
Referenced sites:
Escape Pod on Wikipedia
Worldcon: Anaheim, CA, August 23–27
Dragon*Con: Atlanta, GA, September 1–4
Podcast & Portable Media Expo: Ontario, CA, September 29–30
A Green Thumb
by Tobias S. Buckell
When Jerry walked out across his lawn to catch the morning bus to Effendale High, he stopped to admire the new car Mr. Atkinson had growing in his lawn. Jerry could see the doors stretching up towards the roof, small branches of metal trying to reach their stringy edges up and around the rough frame. It looked like a regular car had melted, but in reverse. Every day Jerry stepped out, he could see more of the car’s gray paneling filling in around the rough frame. Mr. Atkinson tended towards planting larger luxury cars, like any other retired old man. The half-finished Caddilac sat in between the rose bushes and posies that Mrs. Atkinson cared for. Both car and bushes glinted with a fresh coating of morning dew.
About the Author
Tobias S. Buckell

Caribbean born Tobias S. Buckell is a New York Times Bestselling author. His novels and over 70 stories have been translated into 19 different languages.
About the Narrator
Matthew Wayne Selznick

Matthew Wayne Selznick is a fiction and non-fiction author, editor, creator, and consultant living in Long Beach, California. Best known for his award-nominated first novel Brave Men Run, he writes in a variety of genres and storyworlds. In his blog Scribtotum and podcast Sonitotum, he provides opinion, advice, and recommendations on staying human while creating a successful and healthy writing life, as well as personal insights, reflections, and observations.