Black Future Month
Escape Pod is proud to present the Black Future Month special event for October, 2021!
We have four stories this year, guest-edited by Brent C. Lambert.
“Open 27 Hours” by L.P. Kindred, narrated by Eden Royce
“Bright Lights Flying Beneath the Ocean” by Anjali Patel, narrated by Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali
“T _ ME” by Alex Jennings, narrated by Bria Strothers and Eric Luke
“Win Again” by Lina Munroe, narrated by Joniece Abbot Pratt
Brent Lambert is a Black, queer man who heavily believes in the transformative power of speculative fiction across media formats. He resides in San Diego but spent a lot of time moving around as a military brat. His family roots are in the Cajun country of Louisiana. He can be found on Twitter @brentclambert talking about the weird and the fantastic. Ask him his favorite members of the X-Men and you’ll get different answers every time.
This year’s artwork is an original piece by Barry Brown Jr.
Barry is a Renaissance man, Illustrator, character designer, and props maker. His love for oil painting is only matched by his ability to be a chameleon and learn new styles and techniques to push himself and grow. You can find out more at, and follow him on Instagram.
This year’s cover design is by Matt Dovey.
The name Black Future Month is inspired by N.K. Jemisin’s essay, “How Long ‘Til Black Future Month?“