Hugo Award News
Escape Pod is honored to be a finalist for the 2017 Hugo Award for Best Semiprozine. Voting is now open to members of WorldCon. The Voter Packet, including 5 stories from us, is available for your consideration. Find all the details here!
Congratulations to Co-Editor Mur Lafferty on her nominations for Best Novel and Best Fancast, and to Associate Editor Sarah Gailey for Best Novella!
The following staff members from Escape Pod and Escape Artists will be attending WorldCon in San Jose:
- Alasdair Stuart
- Marguerite Kenner
- Mur Lafferty
- S.B. Divya
- Norm Sherman
- Benjamin C. Kinney
- Sarah Gailey
- S. Kay Nash
- Laura Pearlman
- Peter Behravesh
Look for us there, and please do stop us to say hello!