Escape Pod 68: Depth of Field
Show Notes
Rated R. Contains profanity, brief scenes of graphic violence, and questionable filmmaking.
Referenced sites:
Worldcon 2006: Anaheim, CA, August 23–27
Dragon*Con: Atlanta, GA, September 1–4
Depth of Field
by Stephen Dedman
One of the governor’s advisers had recommended appointing a committee of science fiction writers to investigate the saucer sightings as a way of diverting the public, and the governor had agreed. However, as none of the selection committee were SF readers, Project Birdwatch was dominated by screenwriters, writer-directors, writer-director-producers, and the occasional typecast actor. Few of them were brilliant, but they knew one side of a television camera from the other, and at least none of them had been blacklisted. The novelists and short story writers who had joined Birdwatch had soon given up in disgust. Ed had signed up for the same reasons as most of the others; the possibility of publicity, and the badly-needed fifty dollars a month. Besides, seven pretty blonde women had been abducted, and someone was responsible!
About the Author
About the Narrator
Jonathan Sullivan

Dr. Jonathon Sullivan was the first author published on Escape Pod, and read several stories in Escape Pod’s early days.