And the winner is…
First, thanks to all who entered our Serenity preview ticket contest. We generated a lot more interest than correct entries, but that’s all right. It was fun for us, and hopefully fun for those of you who took the time.
The winners of the contest are Eugie and Matt Foster of Alpharetta, Georgia. We’ll be meeting on Thursday for the film. By coincidence, I’ve discovered that Eugie reviews fiction and Matt reviews film, so perhaps with proper hypnotic gestures I’ll be to entice some future material from them for Escape Pod.
Thanks again to everyone. The next time we run one of these contests, we’ll make sure it’s one that everyone in the world can enter, and that no one will be required to type the word “aspic.” Have Fun!
Update: In response to an excellent suggestion in the comments, here are the answers to the trivia questions (the page itself is still up, but will be deleted in a few days):
Question | Answer |
1. From what food dish does the Voice of God emanate? | Tomato aspic |
2a. What did the door do when Chief Knowledgist Grimble entered? | Dilate |
2b. Which science fiction writer first coined that phrase? | Robert A. Heinlein |
3. Who are the traditional enemies of the Conservancy? | Development, or Pigs |
4. Adelle became two different celebrities. Name both. | Michelle Kwan & Bonnie Raitt |
5. What book were the girl and the chef reading together? | A Wizard of Earthsea, by Ursula K. Leguin |
6. Who is suspected of murdering the anthology market in the 1970s? | Roger Elwood |
7. What kabuki-mask-wearing psychosurf monster rock band has “special reverb skill combo for full impact?” | Daikaiju |
The other questions were survey-type questions. “Snow Day” was the unanimous favorite story of all who entered. The rest of the comments were varied, but overall people are digging what we’re doing. This makes our editors very happy. Cookies for everyone!