Genres: Time Travel, YA
Escape Pod 549: The Battaile of the Mudde
The Battaile of the Mudde
by Anthony Tardiff
“Dude, can you come over?”
“I’ve got homework,” I said, staring at the mounds of it spread across my desk.
“It’s kind of urgent.”
I sighed and swapped my phone to my other ear. Vincent’s voice had that edge-of-panic quality I’d come to recognize. “Don’t tell me,” I said. “You melted your mom’s toilet again.”
“You turned Mrs. Nedry’s gardenias fluorescent again and she called the UFO hotline.”
I closed my eyes and groaned. “Your homework ate your dog again.”
“No. Worse.”
Worse? My eyes popped open. It had taken us three hours to hunt down and kill the homework. His mom had not been happy at what the chase had done to the house. She still wondered where Brandy had gone. What could be worse?
“It’s” — Vincent’s voice dropped to a hoarse whisper — “a girl.”