Genres: Computer, Research, Technology
Escape Pod 806: Bright Lights Flying Beneath the Ocean
Bright Lights Flying Beneath the Ocean
by Anjali Patel
[Draft] (no subject) – 2:23 AM
My dearest Tasha, Moon bug, favorite sister…
How are you? I know it’s been a minute. I’m sure you’ve been busy. Probably doing all sorts of smart, lawyer things I don’t understand — litigating and adjourning. Protecting people. Being good. I believe in you, always have. You are the better sister. Things in Accra are good, by the way. I’m finishing my PhD, finally. I’ve made friends. It would be better, of course, if you were here.
I know you are still alive.
I am haunted by the fact that I am fine and you might not be. You are the last face I see before I fall asleep, the first person I imagine when I lie in a half-dream state where we still share a room, twin beds on opposite sides, separated by a few feet and the sticky, glowing stars we plastered across the ceiling. I think of those girls and I envy them for being able to fight and scratch and pull at each other’s hair and hug and scream as if they would not one day be separated by an ocean.
Wait for me. I am coming.