Genres: Artificial Intelligence, Robot, Space
Escape Pod 889: The Greatest One-Star Restaurant in the Whole Quadrant
The Greatest One-Star Restaurant in the Whole Quadrant
by Rachael K. Jones
Engineer’s meat wept and squirmed and wriggled inside her steel organ cavity, so different from the stable purr of gears and circuit boards. You couldn’t count on meat. It lulled you with its warmth, the soft give of skin, the tug of muscle, the neurotransmitter snow fluttering down from neurons to her cyborg logic center. On other days, the meat sickened, swelled inside her steel shell, pressed into her joints. Putrid yellow meat-juices dripped all over her chassis, eroded away its chrome gloss. It contaminated everything, slicking down her tools while she hacked into the engine core on the stolen ship. It dripped between her twelve long fingers on her six joined arms as she helped her cyborg siblings jettison all the ship’s extra gear out the airlocks to speed the trip.
So when the first human vessel pinged their stolen ship with an order for grub, Engineer knew that meat was somehow to blame.