Genres: Computer, Technology
Escape Pod 917: Challenges to Becoming a Pro Dragonracer in Apapa-Downtown
Challenges to Becoming a Pro Dragonracer in Apapa-Downtown
By Uchechukwu Nwaka
The gear is too expensive.
Honestly. There isn’t enough competition in the market. The Immersion® console alone costs an arm and a leg. Ọmọ. You’ll sweat to even get a Nigerian-used console on Jiji or at Computer Village for less than 200k. And that’s just the console. We’re not even talking about the vests or the mats.
Or the chair!
For real though. How else does somebody experience the saddle—on dragon-back—if they can’t experience the full flex of the dragon’s powerful muscles under their thighs? I’ve seen the streams of American pro dragon-racers in full Immersion® gear—visor, suit, chair! The rich kids here are enjoying, on God! (Continue Reading…)