Genres: Artificial Intelligence, Dystopia, Robot, Superhero, Technology
Escape Pod 939: Variant Cover: Pantone Sunset
Alternate Cover: Pantone Sunset
By Marie Vibbert
Stacey reads a comic book. It’s about a robot lady, but not like her. This robot lady has exposed gears and metal rods in her arms and wears a metallic bikini as she solves crimes. The colors are otherworldly. Sometimes the red ink bleeds sideways or the blue shifts toward the bottom of the page. Stacey loves the feeling that every image is made of transparent layers. She imagines soft films of yellow, red, and blue gently wafting down onto the black and white.
Stacey isn’t supposed to be reading the comic book. Her existence is devoted to the proper display and peddling of women’s casual separates for the upscale consumer. When she isn’t in the window posing, she is assisting customers or straightening stock–which means undoing the chaos the customers do to the shop. They do a lot. The comic book itself had been left by a customer, on a pedestal displaying the new winter sweaters, with a half-drunk coffee and some cheese doodles. (Continue Reading…)