Genres: Queer, Romance, Space, Technology
Escape Pod 933: Summitting the Moon
Summitting the Moon
By Pragathi Bala
T-7 days
The moon Landed, the Rut appeared, home equity plummeted, jobs disappeared, and Ghis liked riding the moon. It was the last item on this tragic list that her wife couldn’t accept. It was the leaf that broke the whale’s back or something similar.
“It’s the last time, Max,” Ghis said. “I promise.”
Max rolled her eyes and blew cigarette smoke out the window. The pungent vapor followed the wind back into the house a second later. On another night years ago, Max had stood at that window on a full moon night with the light caressing her profile as she looked out at the landscape with a hopeful expression. But there were no more moonlit nights, and Max was no longer the hopeful woman Ghis once knew.
“I’m not lying this time,” Ghis said. (Continue Reading…)