Escape Pod 139: Acephalous Dreams
Acephalous Dreams
By Neal Asher
“AI Geronamid has need of a subject for a scientific trial. This trial may kill you, in which case it would be considered completion of sentence. Should you survive, all charges against you will be dropped.”
“And the nature of this trial?”
“Cephalic implantation of Csorian node.”
“Okay, I agree, though I have no idea what Csorian node is.”
The Golem stood and as she did so the door slid open. Daes glanced up at the security eye in the corner of the cell and stood also. He thought, briefly, about escape, but knew he stood no chance. His companion might look like a teenage girl but he knew she was strong enough to rip him in half.
“You didn’t tell me. What’s a Csorian node?”
“If we knew that with any certainty we would not be carrying out this trial,” replied the Golem.