Genres: Robot, Technology
Escape Pod 944: How to Keep Your Cool If You’re a Mech First Day on the Job (Part 2 of 2)
How to Keep Your Cool If You’re a Mech First Day on the Job (Part 2 of 2)
By Vera Brook
(…Continued from Part 1)
Jenna gave herself a few moments to seethe in silence before she spoke, to make sure her voice was calm. “I can’t move.”
“Did you hear that?” Daron took a swig of his water, then bit into his sandwich. He looked around the table at the others. Not even a glance at Jenna. “She can’t move.”
“It’s a problem,” Skye admitted.
“Definitely is,” Irelyn agreed.
“Most unfortunate.” This from Khalil.
There was a pause as they waited for Uruk, but he was staring at his computer screen. He jumped up when Irelyn’s elbow poked his ribcage. “We’re still good. No delays. I’m keeping track.”
“We’re talking about the newbie, Uruk,” Irelyn said. “She can’t move.” (Continue Reading…)