Genres: Clones, Technology
Escape Pod 398: Subversion
Show Notes
Ministry Initiative: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1034531507/the-ministry-initiative-steampunk-role-playing-and
SFBuzz: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/sfbuzz-digital-science-fiction-magazine
by Elisabeth R. Adams
I knew, by his crossed arms, the way he rolled his eyes at himself, and particularly by the pale translucence of all three of him, that I was looking at a classic case of version conflict.
“I said stay away from her,” said one I decided to call Art. Nicknames help. Thick square rims, a jaunty fedora, a crisp T-shirt for a concert by a band that broke up before he hit preschool. He was yelling at a paler self in a white collared shirt and slacks. They were trailed by a bored looking him in sunglasses.
“What seems to be the problem, sir?” I asked. Rule number one: stick to the singular.
“I can’t get him to commit,” said Slacks.
I scanned his chip. Eduardo Martin, 34, programmer. No spouse or kids, but adoption records from the county shelter for two cats. Sealed tax records, a social security number, mortgage history. Subversion Inc. member for five years, currently version 4.1. Definitely the primary.
“And your subversion?”