Genres: Artificial Intelligence, Queer, Romance, Space, Technology, YA
Escape Pod 949: A Foundational Model for Talking to Girls
A Foundational Model for Talking to Girls
By Brian Hugenbruch
“Hey Marty,” Mom asks, “got a moment?”
I cringe whenever Mom’s voice has that tone to it. I don’t know what she’s going to say; but if I’ve learned anything in my thirteen years on this desolate, oxygen-deprived rock, it’s that she’s going to find a way to say the most mortifying thing possible. It would be impressive, the way that every sentence excavates my stomach—if it weren’t my stomach she was mining!
Okay, that’s unfair. Maybe this time it won’t be so bad?
“That girl who just walked past us. Why didn’t you ask her out?”
Or not. (Continue Reading…)