Escape Pod 265: We are Ted Tuscadero for President
Show Notes
Show Notes:
- Election day is always better with clones!
- Mr. Dahlen is editorial director of Kill Screen, a new print quarterly magazine about videogames.
- Feedback for Episode 257: Union Dues: The Sum of Its Parts.
- Next week… We travel to Japan!
We are Ted Tuscadero for President by Chris Dahlen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at escapepod.org.
We Are Ted Tuscadero For President
By Chris Dahlen
My name is Ted Tuscadero. And I want to be your President.
I say that with a humble heart. I realize that even after eight stellar years in the Senate, some of you are still getting to know me. And I’ll admit, I am not perfect. The other day, when I told a VFW in Littleton I would blast Iran to glass, and at the same exact time I swore off the war at a town hall in Concord? My bad. Or the time that three of me showed up for the big debate in Manchester, and we got in a fistfight over who was going on the air? Yeah, the chattering classes had a few laughs over that one.
And that little incident before the holidays, when I crashed, as lit as a Christmas tree, into a pole and my car exploded, killing me instantly and taking a mailbox, a transformer and a barn cat with me? It looked bad, I know. But that proxy was on the fritz. That’s not me. That’s not who I am. And the more we talk, the better you get to know me, the more you’ll see what I mean. (Continue Reading…)