Posts Tagged ‘Kay Kenyon’

Escape Pod 180: Navy Brat

Show Notes

Rated PG. It’s YA military SF.

Navy Brat

by Kay Kenyon

She pushed off when her turn came, floating into the huge hold where she had to keep her line from tangling with other lines and stay alert for the seniors whose job it was to kill you—with their dye guns. In the Well, as throughout the ship, patches of enlivened hulls showed the view of near space through remote sensing. Here in the Well it was disorienting. Marie went into a tumble, then controlled it with a spray from her back pack. Through her enhanced visor, she could see her own team, spread out, their suits clear to her, but not to the seniors. A few of her team wore blue arm bands, not regulation, but overlooked more and more these days. Blue for the Admiral, blue for veneration—blue for sucking up to the brass.

Escape Pod 94: The Last Wave

Show Notes

Rated G. Contains aquatic monsters with a penchant for memorabilia. That’s about as scary as it gets.

The Last Wave

by Kay Kenyon

From what I gather, there are two competing theories about me. The ones who come with binoculars and cameras believe in the monster theory. I consider myself as siding with this group. The scientists, on the other hand, with their annoying echolocation devices, hold that I’m a prehistoric Earth creature, the last of my kind, cut off from my fellows. Sentimental drivel, of course. Drifting along under their hulls at night, I eavesdrop. They think I’m some kind of fish. But if they ever caught me, the DNA analysis would give them a bit of a jolt.

Escape Pod 91: The Acid Test

Show Notes

Rated PG. Contains some sexual innuendo, relationship issues, and unpleasant cheese odors.

Referenced Sites:
Aliens You Will Meet
EP Flash Fiction Contest

The Acid Test

by Kay Kenyon

“It’s my husband. He’ll go. He wants to go.”

The alien looked down the hall as though he’d rather be home nursing a beer than dealing with a disgruntled housewife at 4:00 p.m. on a Friday afternoon.

“Please.” She tried not to sound desperate. “He’s young and healthy. College degree, business administration.” She thought that last might not help. “With a math minor.”

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