Genres: Artificial Intelligence, Space, Technology
Escape Pod 957: Vault (Part 2 of 2)
Vault (Part 2 of 2)
By D.A. Xiaolin Spires
(…Continued from Part 1)
Chenguang’s voice echoes in this expanse of dark.
A vortex of light opens to her right and she sees a warped head and legs emerge from a point in the dark. It’s Lukas. As he enters the space, the light bends, his figure elongated as he pulls himself through and it closes behind him. It’s dark again.
“Hey, Lukas.”
“Chenguang?” His voice is low and resounds against unseen walls. “Where is this place?”
“Did we just—enter the structure somehow?”
“I—I—don’t know.” Lukas’ voice uncharacteristically wavers before it quiets down in the darkness. (Continue Reading…)